Monday 11 November 2013


Seorang komandan pemberontak dari kelompok Free Syrian Army di Aleppo mundur dari jabatannya karena kecewa dengan kegagalan gerakan pemberontakan yang diikutinya selama ini. Ia menuduh para panglima perang saling bersaing memperebutkan kekuasaan. Ia juga menuduh para pemimpin pemberontak di pengasingan sebagai pengkhianat yang tidak mewakili rakyat Syria.

"Revolusi yang mulia ini telah terbuka kedok terakhirnya di hadapan masyarakat internsional," kata sang komandan, Kolonel Abdul-Jabbar Okaidi dalam pernyataan yang disiarkan melalui media online baru-baru ini. Sebelumnya Okaidi adalah pemimpin Dewan Militer Free Syrian Army di provinsi Aleppo.

"Berhentilah saling bersaing memperebutkan kekuasaan," katanya kepada para komandan pemberontak yang disebutnya sebagai "raja-raja kecil".

"Mereka tidak mewakili rakyat Syria melainkan diri mereka sendiri. Mereka telah membalikkan punggungnya dari hadapan rakyat Syria dan meninggalkannya sama sekali," tambahnya tentang para pemimpin pemberontak di pengasingan.

Sedangkan kepada para pemimpin negara-negara pendukung pemberontakan ia menyebut mereka telah "mengkhianati revolusi rakyat Syria".

"Karena orang-orang telah menolak ajakan untuk bersatu, yang mengakibatkan kekalahan di berbagai medan perang, jalur-jalur logistik dan jatuhnya Kota Sfeira (kota di sebelah timur Aleppo, ke tangan pemerintah), maka saya mengumumkan pengunduran diri saya sebagai pemimpin Dewan Revolusi Militer di Aleppo," kata Abdul-Jabbar Okaidi.

Okaidi meninggalkan satuannya di kemiliteran Syria dan bergabung dengan pemberontak bulan Mei 2012 lalu. Ia telah memimpin seluruh pertempuran yang dilakukan Free Syrian Army di wilayah Aleppo sejak tahun lalu.


Sementara itu militer Syria melaporkan telah merebut kembali pangkalan militer Base 80 di dekat Bandara Internasional Aleppo, setelah melalui pertempuran sengit melawan pemberontak, Minggu (10/13).

Televisi pemerintah Syria melaporkan hari Minggu (10/13), menyusul pertempuran sengit berhari-hari melawan pemberontak, "tentara kita yang gagah berani telah menguasai sepenuhnya Pangkalan 80."

Lebih jauh militer Syria menyatakan berhasil melakukan serangkaian operasi militer di seluruh penjuru Syria. Militer mengklaim berhasil menggagalkan upaya pemberontak menguasai sebuah pos militer di Idlib dan membunuh beberapa pemberontak. Militer juga menyatakan berhasil menghancurkan posisi-posisi pemberontak di kawasan pedesaan di Homs. Perkembangan ini terjadi sehari setelah militer berhasil merebut kembali jalan raya al-Ghanto-Talbiseh yang biasa digunakan pemberontak untuk menyerang desa-desa di Homs.

"FSA Military Council Head Resigns, Slams Political, Military Opposition"; ALMANAR.COM.LB; 4
November 2013

"Syria army seizes key base near Aleppo Int’l Airport"; Press TV; 10 November 2013


  1. sang panglima yang membelot dari SAA
    menemui jalan akhirnya,di laporkan pasokan lain tidak mahu membantunya selama bertempur di sufaira, tentera syria sedang mara ke Aleppo-kekalahan FSa hampir pasti namum tentera Syria menunggu- nunggu, taktik di Qusyair dipercayai akan di gunakan dalam beberapa jam 500 orang akan terbunuh==tidak ada gunanya menunggu di Allepo, lebih baik kaum takfiri ini kembali ke tempat mereka datang, kembali ke sempadan turki atau Jordan,..mereka akan menghadapi ancaman dari udara--iron fist

  2. saya percaya beliau bukanlah sebarangan panglima bersama seorang lagi ,Abdul Qader Salleh mereka berjaya terselamat semasa serangan dahsyat di Qusayr,,namun menghadapi Serangan Hizbullah dan Militia Iraq dengan semangat revolusi Hussain...
    kita akan melihat hasilnya, seandainya peperangan dapat dielakkan alangkah baiknya

  3. serangan yang tepat

    Abdul Qader Salleh tercedera

    The opposition Aleppo News Network said in a statement that the Thursday raid targeted an army base that militants had captured, killing commander Youssef al-Abbas of the Qatari-backed al-Tawhid Brigades, one of the biggest armed opposition groups. Abbas was known by the nom de guerre Abu al-Tayyeb, Al-Alam reported.
    Tawhid's leadership was holding a meeting in the base when the raid occurred, the statement said.

    It said Tawhid's head, Abdelqader Saleh, was injured and taken to a hospital in Turkey, 45 kms (28 miles) to the North, along with Abdelaziz al-Salameh, another top commander. Both were in good condition, the statement said

    panglima yang hebat telah kena...

  4. semoga meninggal dalam iman

    “Abdel Qader Saleh has been martyred,” said a posting on a Facebook page linked to the brigad
    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the death. “Abdel Qader Saleh, known as Hajji Marea, died of wounds he sustained last Thursday when war planes targeted the Liwa al-Tawhid leadership,” it said in a statement. “He was taken to Turkey after being wounded, and died in a hospital there before being brought back to Syria for burial,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP


  5. ya...semoga perang berakhir dengan kemenangan buat yang berada di jalan Allah..* sunni syiah segera bersatu lawan Israel...kalau tidak ya jadi perang saudara...sedih - sedih...kenapa kaum taqfiri selalu ada, karena ignorance dan penafsiran Al Quran yang dangkal. Ya ALlah selamatkan kaum muslimin di manapun berada...Allahummasholi Alaa muhammad wa aali muhammad 3x amin..

  6. masih ada seorang panglima kesayangan bandar bin sultan

    Zahran Alloush kita tunggu nasibnya

    In recent months, armed groups had massed in Sfeira large numbers of troops, the best equipped units and those with larger funds. It was al-Nosra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, affiliated with al Qaeda, Liwaa al -Islam, led by Zahran Allouche, Bandar bin Sultan’s man in Syria, Ahrar al-Sham and a local military council affiliated with the free Syrian Army. These groups enjoyed open supply lines to the border with Turkey, from which were sent weapons, ammunition, funds and reinforcement fighters from abroad. The most important support came from Saudi Arabia, according to the foreign press correspondents.
    These groups have thrown all their forces into the battle to try to keep Sfeira because of its strategic position. It is indeed an important node controlling the access to the countryside southeast of Aleppo, and is located not far from Aleppo International Airport and the military airport of Koueirès, and is close the Al-Bab area, which controls access to Aleppo.
    It is a crucial point of balance within Aleppo and its province, as it is located not far from the defense industries and the supply route that connects the provinces of Hama and Aleppo. In addition, it is located on the axis road communication between Aleppo province and eastern regions, in Raqqa

  7. ada teori baru pembunuhan Abdul Qader

    One theory behind the assassination that is circulating within Tawhid is that the Syrian regime does not have the capability to carry out such an operation, with a plane that could not even be seen hitting its target so precisely, in addition to the unusual explosion that occurred on the ground.
    Some go so far as to point the finger at Saudi intelligence, who they accuse of having an interest in removing Saleh from the scene. Others suggest that this is a wild exaggeration – although they confirm the above story of his death, they insist that the regime killed Saleh due to his strong connections to all the major armed groups.
    However, those who blame the Saudis counter that their view is not based on mere conjecture. There are a number of strong indications that have led them to such a conclusion, most important among them is the recent creation of the Islamic Front from a number of Islamist opposition armed groups under Saudi supervision.
    Riyadh’s fear was that Saleh, who commands a large number of fighters and is strongly backed by Qatar, represents a threat to their choice to lead the Islamic Front, Zahran Alloush. They add that leaked reports of a secret trip by Saleh to the US are in fact true, suggesting that Washington went along with the Saudi decision after concluding that they prefer Alloush.

    nampaknya bandar tak menyukai ada yang melebihi pasukannya...mengingatkan kepada pembunuhan Ahamad Shah Masood dan Abdullah Azzam

  8. kaum zahran alloush dikatakan terlibat dalam penyembelihan di adra.. termasuk kaum sunni pun kena juga

  9. 2014
    Zahran Alloush dipercayai cedera akibat serangan berani mati ISIL

    Zahran Alloush Likely Injured in ISIL Attack, Militants Cry for Help in Ghouta
