Friday 2 October 2015

Rusia Serang Pemberontak Suriah Pro-Amerika, Amerika Pertimbangkan Langkah Tandingan

Indonesian Free Press -- Amerika tengah mempertimbangkan langkah militer untuk melindungi pemberontak Suriah pro-Amerika, setelah pesawat-pesawat tempur Rusia menghantam posisi-posisi mereka. Langkah ini bisa memicu terjadinya konflik militer langsung antara Amerika dan Rusia di Suriah.

Seperti dilaporkan Associated Press pada hari Kamis (1 Oktober) dengan mengutip keterangan beberapa pejabat militer senior Amerika, Amerika kini tengah mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan kekuatan militer guna melindungi sekutu-sekutunya di Suriah dari serangan Rusia.

"Mempertimbangkan risiko dari penggunaan kekuatan militer sebagai respon atas serangan Rusia adalah salah satu isu Departemen Pertahanan AS," demikian laporan itu menyebutkan.

Para pejabat yang tidak disebutkan identitasnya itu mengakui bahwa tindakan Rusia yang telah melakukan serangan tanpa pandang bulu terhadap pemberontak Suriah pro-Amerika, telah menimbulkan dilema bagi Amerika. Namun Menhan Ash Carter, bagaimana pun masih menolak untuk mendiskusikan langkah ini. Demikian laporan ini melanjutkan.

Sebelumnya, pada tahun ini, Amerika mengatakan bahwa pemberontak Suriah pro-Amerika akan mendapatkan perlindungan udara Amerika jika mereka diserang oleh kelompok ISIS atau pasukan Suriah.

Rusia mulai melancarkan serangan udara di Suriah pada hari Rabu (30 September) dan terus berlanjut sampai hari ini. Rusia mengklaiam serangan itu ditujukan terhadap posisi-posisi ISIS. Namun para pejabat dan media-media barat menyebutkan bahwa serangan tersebut lebih banyak menyasar pada kelompok-kelompok pemberontak non-ISIS.

Menurut Kementrian Pertahanan Rusia selama 24 jam serangan udara Rusia telah berhasil menghancurkan 12 sasaran di Suriah yang semuanya adalah kedudukan ISIS.

Pada hari Kamis (1 Oktober) para pejabat pertahanan Amerika untuk pertama kali mengadakan pembicaraan dengan para pejabat pertahanan Rusia seputar pertempuran di Suriah. Dalam percakapan itu Elissa Slotkin, Asisten Menteri Pertahanan Amerika urusan internasional menyampaikan kekecewaan Amerika karena Rusia telah menyerang posisi-posisi dimana kelompok ISIL tidak beroperasi. 

Gereja Rusia Restui Aksi Militer Rusia di Suriah

Sementara itu gereja Orthodox Rusia menyebut misi Rusia di Suriah sebagai ‘Perang Suci’. Hal ini menyusul dukungan parlemen Rusia terhadap operasi militer di Suriah.

Pemimpin Gereja Orthodox Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin mengatakan kepada wartawan, Rabu (30/9) di pangkalan udara Belbek, Sevastopol, bahwa keputusan yang diambil oleh parlemen Rusia, Dewan Federasi Rusia, untuk mendukung operasi militer Rusia di Suriah ‘sesuai dengan hukum internasional, mental rakyat Rusia dan peran yang selalu dijalankan Rusia di Timur Tengah’. Demikian seperti dilaporkan kantor berita Rusia Interfax dan dilansir media, Jumat (2/10).

Pernyataan itu disampaikan Chaplin seusai melakukan upacara pemberkatan terhadap sebuah pesawat SU-27 di pangkalan udara Belbek sebagai simbol dukungan gereja Rusia.

Ia menambahkan bahwa Rusia tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan umat Kristen Suriah yang bersama kelompok-kelompok minoritas lainnya menghadapi penindasan.

“Perang melawan terorisme adalah perang suci dan hari ini negara ini menjadi negara yang paling aktif memerangi terorisme,” kata Chaplin.

Kepala Staff Gabungan Sergei Ivanov mengatakan bahwa pasukan Rusia di Suriah memerangi kelompok ISIS atas permintaan Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad. Selama dua hari berturut-turut, hari Rabu dan Kamis (1/10) Rusia telah melakukan serangan udara terhadap posisi-posisi pemberontak Suriah(ca)


  1. serangan russia-mufti is raqqa terbunuh, hizbullah dipercayai memperoleh sam 22

    Group International Mshrq- Palestinian media quoted senior Israeli security officials said the Russian government several highly sophisticated air defense system to the Islamic resistance in Lebanon Sam 22 (Hezbollah) is delivered. According to the report, former Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced surrender weapons to Hezbollah advanced Russian air defense against the "Zionist regime threatens the security" is concerned.
    Media sources close to the Islamic Sharia mufti of this group in the province of Raqqa killed in an air strike on the headquarters of the Islamic State Russian bombers have reported the border city of Raqqa.
    Group International Mshrq- After 3 days of air strikes Russian army positions Takfir Islamic terrorist groups, supported by media close to the group Takfir Turkey, America and Saudi Arabia of heavy casualties in the attacks have announced the organization Rzmn .

  2. adakah hizbullah semakin kuat

    From Elijah J. Magnier's latest report:
    The deployment of forces from Iran, Russia and Hezbollah along with the Syrian Army aims to recover key and strategic cities and areas under the control of al-Qaeda and ISIS in the first place. Damascus gave Hezbollah 75 tank to become part of this organized- irregular organization. It is the first Hezbollah armored brigadecomposed of new T-72 and T-55 tanks to support the group’ Special Forces on the ground.

    75 tank

  3. kaum salman dan bintang surya mereka

    TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) for the first time displayed to the public its recently developed super torpedo, 'Hout', which enjoys the state-of-the-art technologies and is capable of hitting targets in and outside water.
    The torpedo was unveiled in an exhibition in Tehran on Saturday on the IRGC Navy's latest achievements.
    Senior IRGC officials had announced in May 2014 that the IRGC Navy is one of the only two world military forces equipped with the unique torpedo which moves with unbelievable velocity. The other military force is the Russian army.
    Speaking to FNA, IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said when the home-made missile/torpedo, Hout, was displayed in a series of wargames a few years ago, over 2,000 world media covered the news.
    He said the speed of the torpedo is 100 meters per second (360km/h) under water.
    The Admiral explained that the gruesome weapon had originally been made by the Russians, adding that Americans had spent a sum of 20 billion dollars in 15 years to develop its technology, but failed.

    The Russians call the torpedo Shkval. The speed of this missile or torpedo far exceeds that of any standard torpedo currently fielded by NATO. This speed is a result of supercavitation: the torpedo is, in effect, flying in a gas bubble created by outward deflection of water by its specially shaped nose cone and the expansion of gases from its engine. By keeping water from coming into contact with the surface of the body of the torpedo, drag is significantly reduced, allowing extremely high speeds.
    The Russians started designing it in the 1960s when the NII-24 research institute was ordered to produce a new weapon system capable of combating nuclear submarines. In 1969, the GSKB-47 merged with NII-24 to create the Research Institute of Applied Hydromechanics in Kiev, Ukraine (constructor Merkulov); the Shkval being a product of this merger.
    Announced as being deployed in the early 1990s, although previously operational as early as 1977, the Shkval is designed as a countermeasure against torpedoes launched by undetected enemy submarines. It may also be used as a counter to incoming torpedoes whereby it is launched at the enemy submarine, forcing it to evade, and hopefully cutting the guidance wire to the enemy torpedo in the process.
    Launched from 533 mm torpedo tubes, the VA-111 exits the tube at 50 knots (93 km/h). Shortly afterwards, its liquid-fuel rocket ignites and propels it to speeds of up to 200 knots (370 km/h). Some reports indicate that speeds of 250+ knots may be achieved, and that work on a 300-knot (560 km/h) version was underway. The rocket engine uses a combination of high test peroxide and kerosene; the propellant tanks contain about 1500 kg of hydrogen peroxide and 500 kg of kerosene.
    The torpedo controls its direction using four fins that skim the inner surface of the supercavitation envelope. To change direction, the fin or fins on the inside of the desired turn are extended, and the opposing fins are retracted. To make faster turns, the push plate on the nose can be used to control the shape of the bubble the missile is traveling in.
