Friday 21 May 2010

Kabinet Gay dan Lesbi Barrack Obama

Keterangan gambar: hakim agung Elena Kagan dalam satu pesta kaum lesbi

Apa pendapat Anda jika presiden SBY mengangkat 50 orang gay dan lesbian menjadi pejabat publik setingkat dirjen, menteri hingga ketua lembaga tinggi negara? Anda tentu akan berfikir bahwa presiden SBY adalah seorang homoseks sehingga mengangkat orang-orang yang sama dengannya sebagai pejabatnya agar merasa nyaman dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Anda adalah orang yang berfikiran sehat. Bukankah ada kata-kata bijak: seseorang dinilai dari siapa teman-teman dekatnya.

Lalu jika presiden Amerika Barrack Obama mengangat lebih dari 70 orang gay dan lesbian sebagai pejabat publik Amerika, apa pendapat Anda? Jika Anda berfikiran sehat tentu Anda akan menganggap presiden Barrack Obama sebagai seorang homoseks pula, minimal orang yang kesehatan jiwanya terganggu hingga baru merasa nyaman bila berdekatan dengan orang-orang homoseks.

Begitulah sebenarnya sang presiden Barrack "mambo-dumbo" Obama Soetoro. Ia telah mengangkat lebih dari 70 orang homoseks sebagai pejabat tinggi pemerintahan Amerika. Di antara pejabat publik itu adalah menteri keamanan dalam negeri (Secretary of Homeland Security) Janet Napolitano, Hakim Agung Sonya Sotomayor, dan Elena Kagan yang baru saja dipilih Obama untuk menjadi hakim agung. Ini tidak termasuk kepala kantor kepresidenan Rahm Emmanuel, penasihat khusus presiden Axelrod, dan beberapa pejabat tinggi lainnya yang diduga kuat sebagai seorang gay. Kedekatan Obama dengan orang-orang homoseks sebenarnya juga mengkonfirmasi kecenderungan seksual-nya yang menyimpang sebagaimana pernah diungkap oleh beberapa mantan teman Barrack Obama.

Saya ingin sedikit menyinggung mengenai Sotomayor dan Elenda Kagan. Keduanya adalah lesbian yahudi, satu ras yang memiliki kecenderungan tinggi sebagai homolseks sebagaimana nenek moyangnya para penduduk Sodom dan Gomorrah. Tunjuk satu organisasi pembela hak-hak kaum homoseksual, pasti ada yahudi di belakangnya. Makanya ketika saya membaca pendapat aktivis Islam liberal Indonesia, Musdah Mulia yang gigih membela hak-hak kaum homoseks, saya sempat berfikir jangan-jangan ia memiliki darah yahudi. Meski akhirnya saya percaya ia hanya menjalankan tugas pekerjaan, ... yang diberikan orang-orang yahudi. Pernah lihat fotonya waktu kuliah di Amerika? Lepas jilbab men. Tapi kini ia menjadi orang yang paling alim bersama Tukul Arwana, ... menurut versi Trans7.

Saya juga masih ingat bagaimana media massa kita menjadikan Ryan, seorang pembunuh keji, sebagai selebritis. Berkat dukungan mereka jugalah Ryan menjadi sosok yang istimewa. Kalau tidak mengapa ia bisa mengadakan pesta ulang tahun mewah di dalam penjara serta menulis buku?

Oh ya, dengan terpilihnya Sotomayor dan Kagan kini komposisi hakum agung Amerika adalah 44% (4 orang) yahudi dan 56% (5) katholik. Tidak ada seorang pun kulit putih protestan, etnis mayoritas pendiri negeri ini. Tapi beginilah akhir dari slogan pluralisme dan toleransi yang digembar-gemborkan media massa: yahudi dan minoritas menjadi penguasa.

Inilah para pejabat gay dan lesbi pemerintahan Barack Obama di luar Sotomayor, Kagan dan Napolitano:

* Mark Agrast- Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice
* Raul Alvillar- Congressional Relations Officer, Housing and Urban Development *Judy Applebaum- Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice
* Cynthia Attwood- Member, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
* Vic Basile- Senior Counselor to the Director, Office of Personnel Management
* Anthony Bernal- Scheduler, Office of Dr. Jill Biden
* Jeremy Bernard- Director of White House and Congressional Affairs, National Endowment for the Humanities
* John Berry- Director, Office of Personnel Management
* Jeremy Bishop- Special Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Public Engagement at the Department of Labor
* Brian Bond- Deputy Director, White House Office of Public Engagement
* Raphael Bostic- Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, Housing and Urban Development
* Ebs Burnough- Deputy Social Secretary, Office of the First Lady
* Michael Camunez- Assistant Secretary for Market Access and Compliance, Department of Commerce
* Lyle Canceko- Deputy Director, Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Department of Commerce
* Jamison Citron- Confidential Assistant, Office of White House Liaison, Department of Health and Human Services
* Brook Colangelo- Chief Information Officer, White House Office of Administration
* John Connor- Director, Office of White House Liaison at the Department of Commerce
* John Coppola- Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board
* Jeffrey Crowley- Director, Office of National AIDS Policy
* Fred Davie- Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
* Justin DeJong- Deputy Press Secretary, Department of Agriculture
* Marisa Demeo- Associate Judge, DC Superior Court
* Jenny Durkan- U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington
* John Easton- Director, Institute of Education Sciences
* Eric Fanning- Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy
* Chai Feldblum- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
* Carl Fillichio- Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Labor for Public Affairs and Communications
* Daniel Gordon- Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, OMB
* Kathy Greenlee- Assistant Secretary, Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services
* Steve Gunderson- Member, President’s Commission on White House Fellows
* David Hansell- Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, Administration for Children and Families
* Emily Hewitt- Chief Justice, U.S. Court of Federal Claims
* Jennifer Ho- Deputy Director, Accountability Management at the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
* Fred Hochberg- Chairman, U.S. Export-Import Bank
* David Huebner- U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand
* Glenda Humiston- State Director for Rural Development in California
* Shin Inouye- Director, Specialty Media
* John Isa- Deputy Executive Director, Federal Office of Compliance
* Karine Jean-Pierre- Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs
* Kevin Jennings- Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
* Kristina Johnson- Under Secretary, Department of Energy
* Jenn Jones- Special Assistant, Department of Housing and Urban Development
* Elaine Kaplan- General Counsel, Office of Personnel Management
* Brad Kiley- Director, White House Office of Management and Administration
* Harry Knox- Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
* Kei Koizumi- Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development, Office of Science and Technology Policy
* Andy Lee- Chief of Staff, Office of Innovation and Improvement at the Department of Education
* Jeffrey Lerner- Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs
* Sara Lipscomb- General Counsel, Small Business Administration
* Zach Liscow- Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers
* Thomas Lopach- Senior Vice President, Congressional Affairs, U.S. Export-Import Bank
* Sharon Lubinski- U.S. Marshall
* John Marble- Public Affairs Specialist, Office of Personnel Management
* Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman- Special Counsel to the USAID Administrator
* Mercedes Marquez- Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development
* Kathy Martinez- Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy, Department of Labor
* Michael Martinez- Special Assistant, National Resources Conservation Division, USDA
* Mary Beth Maxwell- Senior Advisor, Department of Labor
* Philip McNamara- Executive Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
* David Medina- Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the First Lady
* David Mills- Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, Department of Commerce
* Alison Nathan- Associate Counsel to the President, White House Counsels Office
* Jeffrey Neal- Chief Human Capital Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
* Ven Neralla- Director of Priority Placement, Presidential Personnel
* Dave Noble- White House Liaison, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* Matt Nosanchuk- Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Department of Justice
* Dylan Orr- Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy
* Joseph Palacios- Board of Visitors for WHINSEC
* Paolo Palugod- Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division, DOJ
* Peter Pappas- Chief Communications Officer for the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce
* Raul Perea-Henze- Assistant Secretary of Policy and Planning, Department of Veterans Affairs
* Drew Perraut- Policy Analyst, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB
* Mark Perriello- Director of Priority Placement, Presidential Personnel
* Gautam Raghavan- Deputy White House Liaison at the Department of Defense
* Peter Roehrig- Special Assistant, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
* Constance L. Rogers- Deputy Solicitor for Energy and Mineral Resources at Interior
* Donna Ryu- U.S. Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
* Ellie Sue Schafer- Director, White House Visitors Office
* Tarak Shah- White House Council on Environmental Quality
* Amanda Simpson- Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security
* Richard Sorian- Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, HHS
* Campbell Spencer- Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs
* Everette Stubbs- Deputy Director, White House Visitors Center
* Nancy Sutley- Chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality
* Jonathan Swain- Assistant Administrator, Small Business Administration
* Kenneth Tolson- Member, President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
* Moe Vela- Director of Operations, Office of the Vice President
* Alex Wagner- Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs
* Douglas B. Wilson- Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, Department of Defense
* William Woolston- Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers

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