
Dari tahun ke tahun, gugatan terhadap kebenaran atas peristiwa Tragedi WTC 9 September 2001 semakin menguat. Satu demi satu orang maupun organisasi bergabung untuk menyuarakan tuntutan pengungkapan kebenaran Tragedi WTC melalui pembentukan komisi penyidik independen. Dan tahun ini dunia menyaksikan tuntutan tersebut semakin nyaring dikumandangkan pada peringatan Tragedi WTC di Ground Zero New York, 11 September lalu.
Tidak heran jika regim status quo Amerika (termasuk presiden Barack “Mambo Dumbo” Obama) berusaha mengalihkan perhatian masyarakat dengan isu pembangunan masjid di lokasi bekas WTC serta isu pembakaran Al Qur’an. Dari mana asalnya sampai sekelompok orang-orang Islam yang tidak jelas asal-usulnya mau mendirikan masjid di tanah milik pemerintah yang telah disewakan kepada sekelompok orang yahudi kaya dan berpengaruh tapi luar biasa pelit itu?
Sebagaimana diketahui komisi penyidik WTC bentukan regim pemerintah presiden George W Bush (bukan komisi independen) gagal memberikan penjelasan yang logis atas terjadinya peristiwa tersebut seperti misalnya mengapa gedung WTC yang dirancang tahan terhadap gempa bumi hebat atau tubrukan tiga pesawat jet besar sekaligus, runtuh seperti rumah kardus setelah dihantam satu pesawat jet, atau penjelasan mengapa sistem pertahanan udara Amerika yang sangat canggih tiba-tiba lumpuh saat terjadinya drama pembajakan pesawat yang berlangsung selama puluhan menit, atau tidak adanya tanda-tanda tabrakan pesawat jet di gedung Pentagon yang runtuh sebagian dalam tragedi tersebut. Namun yang paling menyolok adalah komisi penyidik dalam laporannya tidak menyebutkan sama sekali gedung WTC 7, gedung 47 lantai (di Jakarta termasuk gedung paling tinggi) yang runtuh begitu saja meski tidak mendapatkan serangan.
Berbagai organisasi profesi telah menyatakan gugatan terhadap kebenaran tragedi WTC, di antaranya Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Veterans for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, dan Lawyers for 9/11 Truth. Kini gugatan tersebut semakin menggelinding kuat bagaikan bola salju setelah munculnya organisasi baru yang mengajukan gugatan serupa, Commissioned and Non-commissioned Officers in the U.S. Military for 9/11 Truth.
Organisasi ini diperkirakan mampu memberikan tekanan publik yang besar mengingat kredibilitas anggota-anggotanya yang terdiri dari para perwira aktif maupun non aktif dari semua satuan militer Amerika: US Army, US Air Force, US Navi, US Marine Corps, dan US Coast Guard. Mereka semuanya adalah orang-orang ahli di bidangnya masing-masing, sebagian bergelar Ph.D, sebagian lainnya pernah menjabat sebagai senator bahkan gubernur. Semuanya lebih dari 200 orang.
Berikut adalah petisi yang disampaikan mereka terhadap Congress Amerika untuk membentuk komisi penyidik independen atas Tragedi WTC:
As Commissioned and Non-commissioned Officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."
Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility as citizens, it is our duty as officers to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us.
We believe the official account of 9/11 as defined in the 9/11 Commission Report is grossly inaccurate and fatally flawed.
It is imperative that we have an accurate understanding of 9/11 so that those responsible can be identified and brought to justice in order that they and similarly-minded people never again commit such heinous crimes.
It is also imperative that we have an accurate understanding of 9/11 so that governmental policies and military actions resulting from 9/11 are based on truth rather than deception.
We join with others, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Veterans for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11.
We, the undersigned current and former Commissioned and Non-commissioned U.S. Military Officers, believe that whereas:
• There is incontrovertible publicly available evidence since 9/11/01 that the official account of the events of that day is incomplete and fraught with errors;
• The 9/11 Commission Report inadequately answered, and in numerous cases even failed to address, many of the most important questions that were called to its attention;
• The blatant disregard of extensive compelling evidence that clearly refutes the official account raises rational suspicion of intentional deception by agents of the U.S. Government;
• U.S. Government policies and military actions have been, and continue to be, founded upon assumptions about the events of 9/11 that are likely to be erroneous;
• As a result of U.S. military action based on the official account of 9/11, thousands of U.S. servicemen and women and hundreds of thousands of civilians have lost their lives; and
• The perpetrators of the heinous crimes against humanity that were committed on 9/11 have still not been brought to justice.
Therefore, we petition the Congress of the United States for a new and independent investigation into the events of 9/11/01 by a duly constituted legal body with the authority to subpoena and require testimony under oath, and with authority to prosecute if criminal activity is discovered, so that the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity can at last be brought to justice.
Signed by the following currently serving and former U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers.
1 comment:
akhirnya......terkuak sudah
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