Pada tgl 21 Februari lalu
TEMPO Interaktif menerbitkan sebuah artikel "provokatif" berjudul "Kisah Lesbian Inggris Menikah Secara Islam".
"To the point" saja, gaya artikel-artikel semacam itu adalah sangat tipikal media pengusung liberalisme alias "jehudaisme". Berkedok "jurnalisme yang netral", pada dasarnya itu adalah kampanye terselubung mengajarkan nilai-nilai "jehudaisme" bernama homoseksualisme. Memang sepertinya tidak ada tendensi apapun dalam artikel tersebut, mamaparkan apa adanya "secara berimbang". Tidak ada kritikan sebagaimana pujian. Namun karena terus-menerus ditampilkan di media massa, akan sangat mempengaruhi persepsi publik mengenai homoseksualisme. Yang tadinya dianggap sebagai sebuah "penyakit sosial", homoseksualisme kemudian dianggap sebagai hal yang biasa.
Hanya orang-orang "liberal idiot" yang manganggap homoseksualisme sebagai hal yang biasa. Tidak perlu saya paparkan panjang lebar. Para pembunuh berantai, pelaku sodomi, mutilasi dan pelaku kekerasan seks terhadap anak kecil, hampir semuanya adalah para homoseks. Anda bisa membayangkan jika putra Anda menjadi korban sodomi ala Robot Gedhek dan Baikuni? Atau bahkan menjadi korban pembunuhan berantai Ryan? Demi Tuhan, seumur hidup Anda akan mengutuki para pelaku homoseksual dan menyesali diri mengapa membiarkan homoseksual bergentayangan di sekitar Anda, bahkan muncul di televisi sebagai host, artis dan entertainer terkenal.
Betapa tingginya tingkat kemaksiatan orang-orang yahudi bisa dilihat pada kasus duta besar Israel di El Salvador, Tzuriel Refael. Suatu saat ia ditemukan tergeletak di depan rumah dinasnya di San Salvador dalam keadaan (silahkan menarik nafas dalam-dalam) setengah telanjang dan mabuk, berpakaian khas anggota klub masokis (penggemar seks dengan kekerasan, biasanya diderita oleh orang-orang homoseksual), membawa peralatan mainan seks dan dildo (karet berbentuk alat kelamin laki-laki, maaf) di mulutnya.
Namun yang dilakukan
TEMPO Interaktif lebih dari "kampanye" terselubung homoseksualisme. Mereka juga "berani" menyinggung-nyinggung wilayah agama dengan artikel tersebut di atas. Sekedar tambahan, sampai saat ini hanya Islam yang masih konsisten menentang keras homoseksualisme setelah agama-agama lain mulai "berkompromi" dengannya.
Berikut adalah artikel tersebut, kemudian silahkan bandingkan dengan artikel dalam situs
incogman.net berikutnya:
Kisah Lesbian Inggris Menikah Secara Islam Tempo - Senin, 21 FebruariTEMPO Interaktif, Sarah dan Asra bertemu pada Ramadan tiga tahun lalu. Mereka berkenalan di sebuah acara buka puasa. "Kami berbincang, lalu sepakat untuk berkencan," kata Asra seperti dikutip dari
BBC, Minggu (20/2).
Saat kencan, Asra dan Sarah berbicara dari hati ke hati, bertukar pengetahuan tentang Islam. "Empat jam kami kencan, mulai dari makan malam, minum kopi, berjalan kaki," ujar Sarah. Satu jam setelah kencan, Sarah langsung mengajak Asra menikah. "Terdengar aneh, tapi kami ingin melakukannya secara terhormat."
Asra menerima ajakan menikah Sarah. Mereka setuju untuk melakukan pernikahan secara Islam. Masalah muncul, tradisi nikah secara Islam biasanya dilakukan oleh pasangan pria dan perempuan.
"Beberapa teman mengatakan, kamu tidak perlu Imam resmi, tapi kamu perlu mendatangkan seseorang yang mengetahui Islam dan mengerti Quran," kata Sarah. "Akhirnya ada teman kami yang mau menjadi Imam nikah, dia lesbian juga dan dia katakan upacara pernikahan ini bisa dilakukan di rumahnya."
Tiga bulan setelah Sarah melamar, hari yang ditunggu itu datang. Asra mengenakan baju tradisional Pakistan -shalwar kameez- dan Sarah mengenakan gaun merah muda. "Sebenarnya aku ingin mengenakan gaun kulit tapi Asra tidak setuju," ujar Sarah.
Sarah dan Asra juga menyiapkan sepasang cincin yang dibeli di Camden market. Mereka juga menyiapkan perjanjian menikah. "Kami melihat contoh perjanjian menikah pasangan berbeda jenis di internet," kata Sarah.
Dalam perjanjian menikah itu, Sarah mencantumkan seekor anjing. Bila mereka berpisah, anjing itu tetap milik Sarah. "Aku takut anjing itu diambil Asra," ujar Sarah.
Selain cincin, perjanjian menikah, mereka juga menyiapkan mahar senilai 5 poundsterling atau sekitar Rp 71 ribu. Mahar itu hanya simbol, tapi sampai saat ini mereka masih menyimpan mahar itu.
Upacara pernikahan Sarah dan Asra dihadiri enam teman mereka, selain menjadi tamu, enam orang itu menjadi saksi. Pernikahan mereka juga disaksikan seekor kucing. Seremoni ini berjalan dalam bahasa Arab, tahap-tahapan mereka menikah pun layaknya pasangan berbeda jenis.
Asra dan Sarah menikah secara Islam, namun perjalanan mereka tak mudah. Selain pernikahan sesama jenis ini tidak diperbolehkan secara akidah Islam, orang tua Asra juga menentang.
"Sangat sulit buatku untuk memberitahu kepada keluarga bahwa aku lesbian, mereka tahu aku religius, tapi untuk mengakui aku lesbian sangat sulit," katanya.
Hal berbeda dialami Sarah, sebab dia tumbuh bukan sebagai Muslim. Dia baru menjadi muslim lima tahun lalu. Keluarga Sarah juga menerima bahwa dia seorang lesbian. Namun sepertinya, kata Sarah, mereka ingin aku tidak menjadi Muslim.
Sarah dan Asra tahu mereka melawan dunia, pernikahan mereka juga ditentang mayoritas akademisi Muslim, tapi Sarah merasa itu bukan urusan orang lain. "Ini hubungan antara aku dan Tuhan, mungkin pernikahan ini bukan yang ideal, tapi kami mencoba yang terbaik."
Jumlah umat muslim di Inggris terus bertambah tiap tahun. Sebuah studi memperkirakan satu dari sepuluh warga Inggris beragama Islam pada 2030. Gelombang Islam ini juga menyentuh kaum gay di Inggris. Muslim gay ini bukan hanya berjuang untuk persamaan hak sebagai individu tapi juga persamaan dalam hal menikah.
Beberapa kelompok yang membela kaum gay Muslim di Inggris mulai muncul. Kelompok itu di antaranya, Imaan dan Safra Project. Seorang tokoh yang mengadvokasi pernikahan gay Muslim adalan Imam asal Amerika, Daayiee Abdullah, yang juga seorang gay.
Daayiee Abdullah telah menikahkan beberapa gay di Amerika. Dia juga memberi nasihat kepada gay Muslim di Inggris bagaimana cara melakukan pernikahan secara Islam. "Karena hukum Islam tidak memungkinkan sesama jenis untuk menikah, banyak yang bilang mustahil sesama jenis bisa menikah," kata Daayiee Abdullah.
Tapi, lanjut Daayiee, bila tidak mengizinkan pasangan sesama jenis untuk menikah maka ada pertentangan dengan pesan dalam Quran yang mengatakan setiap orang memiliki pasangan yang membawa kenyamanan.
"Sick Jew Pervs Ignored by Media Hypocrites"Posted on April 2, 2010 by INCOG MAN
Scumbag rabbi hides his ugly face when escorted before the court. Getting themselves locked-up with filthy Goyim is the real tragedy for any Jew — the Jew community hates that the most — no matter how vile the crime committed!
“A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.” — Sanhedrin 54b
For well over a week now, ABC World News Tonight has been doing reports every single night (for real) about pedophile Catholic priests and how the Pope supposedly covered it all up (he is a former Hitler Youth, you know). Funny, how Easter just happens to be this weekend, huh?
Rabbi Edward Schlaeger dug his kiddie porn.
The Jews have long had it in for the Catholic church and are waging a silent, gradual attack campaign verging on the demonic, when you think about it.
Combine this ancient Jew hatred of Christianity, ownership of the media by the Global Zionist class and greedy lawyers (most often Jewish) looking to make a fast buck off the Vatican, you have yourself a modern-day Witch Hunt. Plus, these accused Catholic priests are virtually always White men — the usual target of choice for PC apparatcheks anyways!
Look, I’m not saying that pedophiles of any persuasion need to be coddled. Far from it. But for the same reasons the media protects the lousy country of Israel, the war-mongering Zionists and all the Jew scam artists (just the exposed ones, now); also give a free pass to all the scumbag Jew perverts wandering around out there. And I mean a lot of them, too.
Click on the “Read the rest” for a big fat dose of filthy Jew perverts!
This whole pervert thing is part and parcel of Jewry. Say what? Yep, Jews are at the forefront of homosexual rights business, since so many of them are so Gay. And Gayness is only a degree or two removed from pedophilia when you look into it (yeah, it’s hard to without barfing). In fact, underaged homos are a hot commodity in the Gay world and that’s why you see so much efforts to indoctrinate the kids in schools. These pervs want fresh meat!
And homosexuals are another big reason why we have these pedophiles in the Catholic church to begin with. These sickos undoubtedly got off on the whole charade! Seems like far too many evil fags were allowed to wear the frock and Gays did purposefully infiltrate a few decades ago. Also, these cases are just the barest handful of Priests and Catholics really out there. The media knows exactly how to wildly inflate things.
But our Jew-controlled media will never, ever let on about the real sicknesses driving America into the gutter. Because to do so, means exposing so much of the real side to the “Chosen Ones” and we know that’s totally verboten.
Consequently, the media will do whatever it can to avoid reporting on any of the Jew side to the story and will distract you with all kinds of dredged-up muck about White, non-Jews anywhere they find it. Pay close attention and you will see this going on — right in front of your face.
But it’s not just in the media. Oh no. The Jews do whatever they can to have these cases quietly taken care of internally, making backroom deals while insisting American courts consider their “religious sensitivities.” It’s all part of the immense Jew arrogance foisted on America and the real politics of Child Rape. The listing below of those that reached the public domain, may in fact only be the tip of the iceberg!
Like, whatever happened to rabbi David Kaye, entrapped by Dateline’s very first “To Catch A Predator” episode? The sick perv walked into a house expecting to have himself some sex with a little boy, but a camera crew met him instead and the old Jew faggot threw an epic hissy fit. For some reason, the case seems to have dropped right out off the radar.
If these pervert Jews can make “aliya” to Israel, there’s a damn good chance they can escape the law. Rabbi Abraham Mondrowitz was wanted for molesting Italian and Jewish boys 25 years ago in Brooklyn NY, but the Israel Supreme Court refused extradition requests from America. Evidently, the Jew is now said to be molesting kids in Israel, too.
But that didn’t stop the Israelis from requesting and getting extradition for rabbi Nachman Stal who fled to Britain after molesting a 14 year-old in Israel. He was recently sentenced to 13 years. And get this: Fellow rabbis praised Stal, saying “there was no problem with him.” Yeah, sure, if you go by the Talmud.
Brooklyn rabbi Baruch Lebovits (right) was convicted this month for sexually assaulting a teenage boy and faces many more additional charges. He’s accused of molesting dozens of boys in the upper West side of New York.
One of his victims, Mordechai Borger, recently jumped to his death off a hotel balcony only two days after getting married. The Rabbi probably ruined the young Jew for his new wife. Don’t hold your breath seeing this story on 60 Minutes!
Chabad-Lubavitcher rabbi Yaakov Weiss was busted for serial molestation of a young boy back in 2008. Weiss ran a Chabad school and was part of an extremist Chabad Jew group going around setting up displays of Menorahs on public property, sanctioned by the State of New York.
Yeshiva teacher David Greenburg was busted just before Christmas last year for molesting a 15 year-old.
Grinning rabbi raped a 7 year old girl: Last month, the police detained rabbi Bryan Bramly (right) in the state of Arizona for raping a little girl in New York ten years ago. Rabbi Bramly was arrested outside his synagogue in Chandler, Arizona.
Maybe the sick mother was following the teachings of the Talmud? “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing” (Kethuboth 11b).
The on-going saga of one pervert rabbi:
“December 7, 2006 –Rabbi Yehuda Kolko was arrested in New York City following a long-term investigation, police said. He was charged with four counts of sexual abuse, including two felony counts, and endangering the welfare of a child. The alleged victim was in the first grade during the 2002-03 school year.
May 5, 2006 Rabbi –Yudi Kolko and Yeshiva Torah Temimah were hit with a $20 million civil lawsuit accusing him of molesting two students more than 25 years ago. One of the alleged victims said Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, 60, sexually assaulted him when he was a seventh-grade student.
September 12, 2007 — Rabbi Yehuda Kolko was re-arrested on new charges for allegedly molesting another boy at at Yeshiva Torah Temimah. Rabbi Kolko’s wife was able to raise the bail to $50,000 bond, $25,000 cash within the hour and he was released in time to pray at evening Rosh Hashanah services.
April 2, 2008 – Another civil suit is filed against Rabbi Yehuda Kolko and Yeshiva Torah Temimah. The latest case involves the alleged sexual abuse of a minor, identified as John Doe No. 6, was enrolled at the school when they were between the ages of 11 and 13.”
I can’t seem to recall ABC World News Tonight ever doing a report on any of this. Can you?
– Phillip Marlowe
Giant listing of Jew Perverts:
Case of Shlomo Aviner (Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel).
Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years’ probation).
Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980's. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.)
Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young women).
Case Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen – Montreal and Toronto Canada (Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants).
Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University).
Case of Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg – Boca Raton, Flordia (Pled guilty to one misdemeanor count of exposure of sexual organs in a washroom at a Palm Beach Mall).
Case of Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg (Convicted of molesting children. The first complaints came in 1971. He was finally convicted in 1997).
Case of Cantor Joel Gordon (Convicted of having keeping a house of prostitution and involvement in a prostitution ring).
Case of Rabbi Israel Grunwald (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. The charge against him were dropped after agreeing to perform 500 hours of community service and to seek counseling. Grunwald was the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas).
Case of The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender (Convicted of repeated rape and forced molestation of his graddaughter).
Case of Yehudah Friedlander – Rabbi ‘s Assistant (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas).
Case of the Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL (A teacher at the Chicago school was accused of child molestation. His name was not released. The school did everything correctly in attempting to keep the children safe once accusations were made).
Case of Rabbi Solomon Hafner (Accused of sexually abusing a developmentally disabled boy).
Case of Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz (Convicted and sentenced to 10 – 20 years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric patient. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J. Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke University, and was a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).
Case of Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses).
Case of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum (Accused of child pornography on the internet).
Case of Rabbi Robert Kirschner (Accused of sexually exploited or harassing three congregants and a synagogue employee).
Case of Rabbi Ze’ev Kopolevitch (Convicted of molesting students at Rosh Yeshiva, Netiv Meir yeshiva high school).
Case of Rabbi Baruch Lanner (Convicted – child molestation).
Case of Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy (Convicted of two counts of soliciting sex through the Internet and two counts of child pornography. He was sentenced to six years and sex in prison. He was caught in the “Candyman” year-long sting operation by the US government).
Case of Rabbi Pinchas Lew (Accused of exposed himself to a woman).
Case of Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey (lost his license to practice in the State of Missouri because of his sexual misconduct with his patients).
Case of Rabbi Richard Marcovitz (Convicted of indecent or lewd acts with a child, and sexual battery).
Case of Rabbi Juda Mintz (Convicted – internet sting on child pornography).
Rabbi Yona Metzger (Accused of sexually misconduct with four men).
Case of Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz (Accused of two counts of sex abuse with boys at a special education school in New York).
Case of Cantor Howard Nevison (Accused of molesting his nephew).
Case of Rabbi Michael Ozair (Accused of sexual molestation of a then-14-year-old girl)
Case of Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld (Convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy he was tutoring.)
Case of Rabbi Charles Shalman (Accused of sexual misconduct toward female congregational members)
Case of Cantor Robert Shapiro (Accused of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault and battery to a mentally retarded woman)
Case of Cantor Michael Segelstein (Accused of attempted rape; Chabad – Las Vegas, Nevada)
Case of Rabbi Ze’ev Sultanovitch (Accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva).
Case of Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum (Accused of three counts of sex crimes against two boys under the age of 14, and one count of assault with intent to commit rape against one boy’s mother. The charges were dropped for lack of evidence).
Case of Rabbi Isadore Trachtman (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)
Case of Rabbi Hirsch Travis (Rabbi in Monsey, accused of posing as a Brooklyn doctor specializing in infertility problems, and allegedly sexually abusing and assaulting a patient).
Case of Rabbi Matis Weinberg (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses).
Case of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner (Accused of molesting boy at Camp Mogen Avraham, New York).
Case of Rabbi Don Well.
Case of Cantor Phillip Wittlin (Convicted of molesting two girls).
Case of Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov (Convicted of sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys).
Case of Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman (Violated guidelines concerning “sexual ethics and sexual boundaries” ).
Case of Rabbi Max Zucker (Accused by three women of improperly touching).
Case of Rabbi Elior Chen (ran sadistic cult in Brazil and physically abused little boys. Got a break by being extradited to Israel).
Case of Arie Adler and Marisa Rimland, NY (Arie Adler was accused of molesting his daughter. Marisa Rimland murdered her daughter, and then committed suicide).
Case of Simcha Adler – Ohel Counselor, NY (Plea-bargained charges of sodomy, sexual abuse and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child down to attempted sodomy).
Case of Eugene Loub Aronin – School Counselor, TX (Convicted in 1984 of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy).
Case of B’Nai Torah Congegation – Hillel Community Day School janitor, Boca Raton, FL (Accused of child molestation).
Case of Chaim Ciment (Accused and charged with first-degree sexual abuse, after allegations were made that he fondled a 17 year old girl in an elevator).
Case of James A. Cohen – Jewish Youth Group Leader (Convicted child molester, sentenced to 9 years for assaulting 4 boys).
Case of Larry Cohen – Soccer Coach, Lake Oswego, OR (Accused of molesting two individuals).
Case of Lawrence Cohen – School Teacher, NJ (Convicted and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for transmitting child pornography through his home computer).
Case of Phillip “Eli” Cohen, London, England (Accused of 13 charges of indecently assaulting a boy and four offences of indecently assaulting a girl).
Case of Stuart Cooperman, MD – Pediatrican, Merrick, New York (Accused of molesting six female patients).
Case of Delaware Family (Father accused of alleged child molestation)
Case of Mordechai (Morton) Ehrman – Simcha’s Play Group, Brooklyn, NY (Accused of molesting dozens of students).
Case of Brandon Lee Flagner (Convicted of the kidnapping and aggravated murder of Tiffany Jennifer Papesh a 8-year-old girl. Flagner also claimed to have molested hundreds of girls during his life. While in prison, Flagner convert to Judaism by an Chasidic rabbi.)
Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman (Capturing the Friedmans) (Convicted sex offender).
Goldberg: Imagine this Jew in your nightmares!
Case of Richard “Steve” Goldberg (Allegedly engaging in sex acts with several girls under 10 in California. He was on the FBI’s ten most wanted fugitives list until recent capture).
Case of Ross Goldstein (Convicting of sodomy in the first degree (three counts) and use of a child in a sexual performance. He was sentenced to four concurrent indeterminated terms of 2 to 6 years imprisonment. Also see: Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman)
Case of Several Child Sex Offenders in Har Nof 0 Jerusalem, Israel (Outlines several cases of alleged child sex offenders in the charedi town of Har Nof)
Case of David B. Harrington – School Principal / Big Brother, Rockville, MD (Convicted sex offender. Cases from the 1960's – 1980's).
Case of State of Israel Vs. a Sex Offender (Convicted – 68 year old Israeli religious man pled guilty to repeated molestation of his granddaughter, was sentenced to 19 years in jail.
Case of Eric Hindin - Jewish Big Brother Volunteer, Newton, MA (Convicted of 35 counts of child rape. He was sentenced to 20-22 years in prison).
Kline: Now we know what he did under his robes.
Case of Judge Ronald Kline, CA (Accused of possessing child pornography and for allegedly molesting a neighborhood boy 25 years ago).
Case of the Kosher Butcher in Chicago (Accused of molesting children for over 30 years).
Case of Lawrence Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his nephew. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)
Case of Stuart Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his cousin. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)
The Case of the Students of Ner Israel Yeshiva in the 1950's (Students accused of sexually molesting a younger student)
Case of the New York Society for the Deaf’s Home (Accused of treating disabled patients “like animals,” beaten, drugged and robbed of their government checks).
Case of Ozzie Orbach, M.D. (Accused of molesting his daughter).
Case of the Rogers Park JCC, Chicago Illinois (This was the first case of alleged mass molestation recorded in Illinois to involve accusations of sexual abuse by a group of adults, consists of 246 allegations that staff members abused children enrolled at the center, according to the Illinois Department of children and Family Services).
Case of Jonathan Rosenthal – Community Police Liason, London, England (Acquitted of sexually assaulting a few children, after a jury used ancient common law right, deciding evidence wasn’t strong enough).
Case of Adam Theodore Rubin – Teacher, Coach and Girl Scout Coordinator (Accused of using a computer to solicit sex with a minor, possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia).
Case of Georges Schteinberg - Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Schteinberg fled the country).
Scher made his escape back to Crime Central.
Case of Aryeh Scher - Israeli vice-consul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Scher fled the country).
Case of Usef Sagiv Ofri — worked in the Israel Consulate in Atlanta, Georgia (Arrested in 2006 for sexual exploitation of children and kiddie porn).
Case of David Schwartz – Camp Counselor, Culver City, CA (Convicted and sentenced to one year in residential treatment and five years’ probation for molesting a 4-year-old boy in his care at summer camp. A six-year prison sentence was suspended).
Case of Jerrold Schwartz – Scoutmaster, NY (Convicted and sentenced to 8 years in prison for multiple counts of sodomizing his former scout ).
Case of Irwin Silverman – Chief Counsel to U.S. secretary of interior 1933-53 (Accused of molesting his daughter Sue William Silverman).
Case of Paul Slifer – Teacher (Accused of sexually assaulting a several students, and impersonating a doctor).
Case of Ari Sorkin – Synagogue Youth Worker, Elkins Park, PA (Accused of molesting a 16 yr. old girl).
Case of Tel Aviv Arts School, Tel Aviv, Israel
Case of Dr. Saul and Judith Wasserman (Accused of molesting their daughter)
Case of David Douglas Webber – Mashgiach (Kashrut Supervisor), Canada (Convicted and sentenced to six years for possessing child pornography and molesting seven boys over the past eight years).